And I thought last month's full moon was a weird one...
For me, this last week or so has been very introspective. I've had some things pointed out to me (by others as well as by my self) that need to change. While I appreciate a little constructive criticism every once and again, I draw the line when that criticism starts to hit below the belt and take personal jabs.
(And on a side note, kicking me while I'm down (AKA: The Disappearing Act) intentional or not, needs a line drawn on it as well.)
Regardless of how these things were brought up, here they are, all laid out pretty on a table for me to examine. It's time to decide which parts of myself go into a "keep" pile and which get kicked to the curb.
It's time to trim the fat, or so they say.
Not just with me either, but with the people I surround myself with. Friendship, as well as with any relationship I suppose, is like the moon. If it isn't increasing, it's decreasing.
Speaking of the moon, all my calendars say this Wednesday is the Full Moon. Which technically it
is at 9:30AM. But for the United States, Tuesday night is when it appears the biggest.
last month when I was talking about the moon's power influencing people?
"If the moon can monopolize force in a body of water that grand (the ocean), then it should also have at least a little influence on human beings that are predominantly made up of water."
Remember that? Yes, well I was doing some research on the subject and I found out that it really is an actual theory made famous by Greek philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle considered the brain a "wet" organ therefore it is up for exposure to the effects of the moon.
Of course there are critics, just like with any other theory, that try to put this myth back in the box. But there is no concrete evidence why people still
believe this lunar theory. At least once a month I hear the phrase
"there must be a full moon or something..." whenever something off-kilter happens. Also, throughout time so many strange superstitions have popped up revolving around the moon. This just shows that scientifically proven or not,
something about the moon has an enchanting effect that people can't just shake off:
*Keep a moonstone in your mouth during a full moon night and you'll have the power to see your future.
*Having your wedding under a full moon increases your chances of a long and healthy marriage.
*Children born under a full moon grow up healthier and stronger than those who were not and the pain giving birth to them is considerably less excruciating.
*If you blow 9 times over a wart under a full moon, it will disappear like magic by morning.
*If you're in need of money, you can hold up a silver coin to a new moon and wish for financial help. As the moon increases throughout its cycle that month, your bank book will as well.
*It is a bad omen to see a month's new moon for the very first time through a window.
*It is considered better to plant vegetables which grow underground, i.e. potatoes and carrots, in the dark of the moon and plant vegetables which grow above ground, i.e. corn and beans, in the light of the moon.
*The full moon is believed to rejuvenate feelings of love and stimulate pent up passions.
*Charms and amulets in the shape of a crescent moon are used to protect you from witchcraft and the evil eye. The crescent should always point to the left, representing the moon's first quarter, when things prosper and grow.
*A full moon on Christmas day brings misfortune.
*Blood (a red ring) around the moon means war. Either with yourself, your family, your lover, your friends or between countries.
Native Americans in what we now consider the Northern and Eastern United States gave every month's full moon a name to keep track of their seasons. Algonquin tribes followed suit as did European settlers that came later. This month is the
Beaver Moon. November is the busiest month for beavers since this is when they rebuild their lodges and damns before winter storms hit. Because beavers don't hibernate and there were so many of these nocturnal guys running around under the light of the moon, hunters started setting night traps for them. Their meat kept the hunters and their families plentifully fed and their plush fur kept them warm. Because of this, their pelt held great value for trade. An all around score.
So during tonight's full Beaver Moon, repair a broken bridge if you can or knock off the last few steps so you don't try crossing it again. Whatever you do, keep in mind: if it's not increasing, it's decreasing. Just like the Moon.