Monday, March 31, 2014


So we finally did it. 

All the financial struggles, the saving, the searching, the excitement, the disappointment...
It all finally came to a fantastic conclusion. 

We found our house. 

And we spent 10 million years signing paperwork. 

Tips on closing day when buying your first house

Tips on closing day when buying your first house

My realtor, Mary, said in all the years she's been doing this as her job, she's never ever had clients bring champagne to a closing. This truly boggles my mind. I mean, who doesn't bring champagne to a closing? It's our first house! This is a big deal! This is cause for celebration and not at all a true sign that we're total alcoholics and any accuse to day drink would be fine with us!

I will give a few words of advice now that we've gone through it and lived to tell the tale:

1: Try to not let the stress get too bad, chill out, and really enjoy this day. Bring champagne, relax, laugh and high five each other when you finish the last signature. 

2: Take a million pictures.

Tips on closing day when buying your first house

3: Make sure to ask your realtor to bring a "sold" sign when you do your final walkthrough the day of closing. There are 3 days that will go down in my personal history as monumental game changers and they are the day I married Jason, the day my daughter was born, and the day I bought my first house. This is a picture we will always cherish and I'm so thankful we got a snap shot of it. 

Tips on closing day when buying your first house

And seriously, if I was a neighbor peeping through my mini-blinds to check out what was moving in next door to me, this would be exactly the kind of thing I would want to see. Anyone who moves in a life sized R2D2 on a jogging stroller must be the best new neighbors ever. (In my opinion)

Tips on closing day when buying your first house

So although our walls are still the creepy grey color of a dead body, we're eating off an Igloo cooler for a dining room table, I can't find the box of coffee cups so I'm drinking out of wine glasses, and the furniture hasn't been delivered so we're sitting on patio chairs... 
We're in!

Tips on closing day when buying your first house

This is my view for the next few weeks, but at least it's a view of progress and we couldn't be happier about it. 

Tips on closing day when buying your first house

Thank you for all the well wishes and I'll keep you updated on all the progression!

Homeownership! Whaaaahooooo!
(high five)


  1. We as well broke open the wine and toasted to this monumental event in your life. We were feeling so happy for you that we thought we would burst!

  2. I am so happy for you! And so proud of you guys!!! Love you three so much

  3. Congrats! Thanks for the tips too. As our closing awaits right around the corner, I will make sure to bring the champagne and pose with the "sold" sign.
